
Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Nato Supply - A Clear Threat To Pakistan (Article)

1. Defense committee of cabinet succumbed to the american pressure and opened the nato supply routes without putting a demand of stopping drone attacks. America awarded us by attacking our national sovereignty with three drone attacks and killing more than 25 innocents . The decision of reopening of nato land routes is widely being criticized by the public , many mainstream political parties have recorded their protest . But only the civilian government is being blamed for this cowardliness although military establishment was also present in the meeting and they also have given consent . They felt before knees in front of America and not cared about feelings of 180 million Pakistanis .
2. We have lost thousands of lives , Our economy has been devastated , We are not allowed to enter other countries , In every part of the world Muslims have became a symbol of terrorism but still our government wants to do more for America . We have suffered a loss of billions in other’s war . Remember this fact that this is fought only for personal interests of a dictator . After 2008 elections a little ray of hope appeared that democratic government will find solutions for the past aggravated situation . But the government carried out the policies of incumbent ruler and nothing remained except so called ” flourishing democracy ”
3. The reopening of land routes will not only ignite the flames of anti-americanism among the public but also will further deteriorate PAK-USA relationship. Pak military wont be able to protect the trucks carrying nato supply because they have to travel all the way long from karachi to khyber . Taliban will take advantage of this prolonged passage and will explode the trucks . In a nutshell , In the current circumstances I am convinced to reiterate that we are heading towards another collision in coming days .
Article written by Fazal Haider

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